About Fiscal Notes

In recognition of the Fiscal Notes relaunch, redesign and continued coverage of the Texas economy, the Federation of Tax Administrators honored the publication with an Innovation and Excellence in Tax Administration Award in June 2024.

Fiscal Notes provides information, original research and balanced analysis on the Texas economy. It’s one of the ways the Comptroller's office strives to assist taxpayers and the people of Texas. Fiscal Notes content is an extension of the Comptroller's constitutional responsibilities to monitor the state's economy and to estimate state government revenues.

Articles and analysis appearing in Fiscal Notes do not necessarily represent the policy or endorsement of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Space is devoted to a wide variety of topics of Texas interest and general government concern.

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Republishing Fiscal Notes

Fiscal Notes material is not copyrighted by our office. You can, therefore, share and republish our Fiscal Notes content, provided that it’s unaltered, used in its entirety and credited to our office. If third-party protected intellectual property (e.g., trademark or copyright) is present, please contact the owner for permission before use.

We are available to answer your republishing inquiries.

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