Creating Community Agreements

If cultivating community in the classroom is important to you, one approach to doing so is to work with your students to create a Community Agreement. A Community Agreement is a set of principles that guide how members of a group aspire to work together. Establishing collective ground rules at the start of the semester can help call attention to your expectations and encourage students to engage thoughtfully with one another. The creation process gives students agency and can inspire a shared sense of responsibility for the success of class discussions. Such agreements can be crucial in classes that include difficult material.

Drafting the agreement:

Using the agreement:

Sample agreement:

Below are examples of discussion guidelines that might be included in a Community Agreement. Feel free to adjust them based on your teaching approach and subject matter. Remember, there is no one right set of guidelines.

Additional resources:

Arao, Brian and Kristi Clemens. “From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces: A New Way to Frame Dialogue Around Diversity and Social Justice.” The Art of Effective Facilitation, edited by Lisa M. Landreman, Routledge, 2013, 135-150.

Fernández, Jesica Siham. “Creating Classroom Community Agreements,” Inside Higher Ed, June 14, 2023.