The creator ibm software invoicing

Receiving and processing invoices may seem straightforward, but the importance of proper invoice capture and the variety of tools you can use to perform it are both much greater than what people generally estimate. In this blog, we’ll explore why invoice capture deserves more attention than it’s given, the pitfalls of manual invoice capture, and what software is available for optimizing this critical function of accounts payable (AP).

What Is Invoice Capture?

Invoice capture is the process of extracting the data contained in an invoice – such as dates, amounts, and PO information – and transferring it to company systems. It is generally a responsibility owned by AP departments, as they oversee the handling of organizations’ outgoing payments.

Invoice capture can be performed manually or with the assistance of invoice capture technology. Manual invoice capture processes require an employee to devote their time to gathering all invoices from all sources, inputting the data they contain into an ERP item by item, saving the invoice to a company folder, and then overseeing the approval process.

For organizations handling large amounts of invoices daily, manual invoice capture might not cut it. Invoice capture tools can be used to automate the collection, classification, and data capture of invoices. These tools often come with ERP integration capabilities, storage functions, and approval routing.

Why Is Invoice Capture Important?

Capturing invoices and accurately recording the information they contain is vital for a number of reasons:

Problems with Manual Invoice Capture

Many organizations are still relying on manual invoice capture to keep their financial operations accurate and running smoothly. The typical manual AP invoice capture looks like this: The employee will search the department’s email inbox or physical mail for invoices, manually enter that data into an ERP, and then save the file in a company folder.

Although it’s free to manually capture invoices, you run the risk of experiencing one or more of the following issues:

Key Features of Top Invoice Capture Solutions

Whether you’re intending to simply pass along invoice data to an ERP or you’re looking to perform more complicated functions like document classification or validating data against existing databases, you want to make sure an invoice capture engine has:

Invoice capture technology that possesses all three of these features is likely to be a leader in the industry. Organizations are looking for an invoice capture solution that will provide immediate value followed but can also adapt to the company’s unique invoice situation.