Indonesia and ADB

ADB supports inclusive, competitive, and sustainable development in Indonesia through strengthening healthcare systems, improving competitiveness, and building climate resilience.

In the Spotlight

Asian Development Blog

Four Ways to Improve Education in Southeast Asia

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) provides critical insights into how Southeast Asian countries can improve learning outcomes. By focusing on foundational skills, leveraging assessment data, and empowering educators, they can make significant progress.

Asian Development Blog

Four Ways to Align National Trade Strategies with Climate Actions

Aligning national trade strategies with climate commitments fosters sustainable growth and resilience in developing economies. Integrated policy frameworks, multilateral cooperation, climate-resilient infrastructure, and capacity building can achieve this balance.

Asian Development Blog

Focus on Training and Financing Gaps to Enhance Climate Resilience

Increased investment in climate resilience is crucial for mitigating and adapting to climate change, especially in vulnerable regions like Asia and the Pacific. Effective resource mobilization and capacity building are essential for incorporating climate resilience into infrastructure and decision-making processes.

Accountability Mechanism Documents

Empowering Voices for Development Accountability: Accountability Mechanism Annual Report 2023

This report outlines how in 2023 the Accountability Mechanism (AM) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) helped address concerns of people affected by ADB-assisted projects, strengthening trust and collaboration among stakeholders.