Home Remodel Contract Template

Use our free home remodel contract template to create a legally binding agreement between a homeowner and contractor outlining the remodeling project details. Customize the sections, i.e., the scope of work, timeline, costs, and payment schedule, and sign it online or download a PDF.



Legal name of Contractor: [Contractor.FirstName] [Contractor.LastName]

Address of Contractor: [Contractor.StreetAddress] [Contractor.City] [Contractor.State] [Contractor.PostalCode] ​


Legal name of Client: [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName]

Address of Client: [Client.StreetAddress] [Client.City] [Client.State] [Client.PostalCode] ​

The terms "Contractor" and "Client" refer collectively to the undersigned parties entering into a puppy contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Project Description

It’s crucial to specify standards for the quality of workmanship expected and sections to be worked on. In these contract sections, you should also establish clear milestones and the expected order and duration of work.

Scope of Work

Remodeling Work Description

The Contractor shall undertake the remodeling work as outlined below:

(Outline the scope of work to take place here)

Materials and Products Specifications

The Contractor shall utilize materials and products conforming to industry standards and specifications.

Any proposed deviations from the specified materials must be submitted in writing to the Client for approval before procurement and installation.

Plans and Drawings

Comprehensive plans and drawings detailing the remodeling work are attached to this agreement. The plans and drawings shall serve as the guiding documents for the execution of the remodeling work and shall be strictly adhered to.

Any proposed changes to the plans and drawings must be submitted in writing to the Client for approval before implementation.

Project Timeline

Start date of the project

The project shall commence on (insert specific start date), hereinafter referred to as the "Commencement Date."

Anticipated completion date

The project's anticipated completion date is (insert specific completion date), hereinafter referred to as the "Completion Date." The parties acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to reasonable extensions of the completion date. Any such extensions shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties.

Milestones and Deadlines

Design and planning phase:

Design approval deadline: (insert specific date) Selection of materials and finishes deadline: (insert specific date) (Insert scope of work): (insert specific date)

Pre-construction phase:

Permit acquisition deadline: (insert specific date) Commencement of demolition: (insert specific date) (Insert scope of work): (insert specific date)

Construction phase:

(Insert scope of work): (insert specific date) (Insert scope of work): (insert specific date) (Insert scope of work): (insert specific date) Final inspection deadline: (insert specific date)

Post-construction phase:

Final walkthrough deadline: (insert specific date) Project closeout and handover deadline: (insert specific date)

Payment Terms

The payment schedule outlined here should link specific amounts due to the completion of defined sections. This includes a deposit before work starts, followed by progress payments as pre-set stages are completed, with the final payment only after the work passes inspection. The contract should also detail whether payments will be made in installments based on periods or tied to completion percentages.

Contract Price

The total cost of the project:

The total consideration for the services rendered under this home remodel contract template shall be $(insert total amount), including all taxes and fees.

The contract price encompasses the following cost breakdown:

Labor costs

The amount attributed to the services provided by skilled and unskilled labor involved in the project.

Materials costs

The sum allocated for procuring materials necessary to complete the home remodel.

Permits and fees

The cost of obtaining necessary permits and fulfilling regulatory requirements.

Payment Schedule

Installments and due dates

The Client agrees to make payments in installments as outlined below:

(Insert Installment 1)

Due on (Insert Due Date)

(Insert Installment 2)

Due on (Insert Due Date)

(Insert Installment 3)

Due on (Insert Due Date)

(Continue as necessary for additional installments)

Retention Amounts (if any)

The Contractor may retain a percentage of each installment payment, not to exceed (insert percentage), until the satisfactory completion of the entire project. The retained amounts shall be released within (insert timeframe) after issuing a Certificate of Substantial Completion.

Late payment penalties

In the event of late payment by the Client, a late fee of (insert percentage or flat amount in US dollars) shall be applied for each day the payment remains outstanding beyond the agreed-upon due date, commencing from the first day following the due date.

Change of Orders

When drafting this section, it’s important to set a time limit for the contractor/client to provide a written change order. You should also specify that work beyond the original contract can’t proceed until the change order is mutually agreed upon.


Process for requesting changes to the original scope of work:

The homeowner or their authorized representative may submit a written request for changes to the original scope of work to the contractor.

The change request shall include a detailed description of the proposed changes, the reasons for the changes, and any supporting documentation deemed necessary.

The contractor will review the change request and provide a written response within (number of days) days of receiving the request.

If the change is accepted, the contractor shall provide a written amendment to the original contract outlining the revised scope of work, any adjustments to the project timeline, and the associated cost implications.

If the change is denied, the contractor shall provide a written explanation for the denial.

Approval Mechanism for Change Orders

All change orders must be signed and approved in writing by the homeowner and the contractor before any work associated with the change order commences.

The approval shall be documented in a formal change order document, which includes details such as the date of approval, a description of the changes, an adjusted project timeline, and a revised cost.

If the Client requests changes during the project without written approval, the contractor shall not be obligated to implement such changes, and the original scope of work shall remain in effect.

Impact on Project Timeline and Cost

Changes to the original scope of work may impact the project timeline and cost.

The contractor shall provide a detailed analysis of the anticipated impact on the project timeline and cost in the change order document.

Adjustments to the project timeline and cost outlined in the change order shall be considered final, and any further changes must follow the procedures outlined in this section.

Failure to adhere to the approved change order process may result in delays, additional costs, or other consequences as outlined in the original contract.

Insurance and Licences

This home remodel contract template section allows you to state the required insurance coverage for the contractor and homeowner. This comes in handy in case problems arise during the remodel.


Contractor's Liability Insurance

The Contractor shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance throughout the home remodeling project. This insurance shall cover bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury arising from the contractor's operations.

The Contractor's liability insurance policy shall name the homeowner as an additional insured and provide a certificate of insurance to the homeowner before commencing any work.

Homeowner's Insurance Requirements

The homeowner is responsible for maintaining adequate homeowner's insurance coverage for the duration of the home remodeling project.

The homeowner shall provide the Contractor with proof of homeowner's insurance upon request.

Coverage Amounts and Policy Details

The Contractor's liability insurance coverage shall have a minimum limit of $(Specify Amount) per occurrence.

The homeowner's insurance coverage shall meet or exceed the replacement cost of the property being renovated.

The Contractor and homeowner shall promptly notify each other of any changes, cancellations, or modifications to their respective insurance policies that may affect the scope of coverage.

Licenses and Permits

Confirmation of Required Licenses

The Contractor acknowledges and confirms that they possess all necessary licenses and credentials required by local, state, and federal authorities to perform the home remodel project. The Contractor shall provide the homeowner with copies of relevant licenses upon request.

Responsibility for Obtaining Necessary Permits

The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits, approvals, and inspections necessary for the lawful and timely completion of the home remodeling project. The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with obtaining permits unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the homeowner.

Compliance with Local Building Codes

The Contractor shall ensure that all work performed complies with applicable local building codes, regulations, and zoning ordinances. Any modifications to the project required by changes in building codes shall be promptly communicated to the homeowner, and the necessary adjustments shall be made to ensure compliance.

Governing Law

This Home Remodel Contract ("Contract") shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the (State), without regard to its conflict of law principles.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity, or termination, shall be subject to the courts' exclusive jurisdiction in the (County) of the aforementioned (State). The parties hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and waive any objection to venue in those courts.

The prevailing party in any legal action or proceeding to enforce or interpret the terms of this Contract shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses incurred in connection with such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled.

This Governing Law provision shall survive this Contract's termination or expiration and remain in full force and effect. Any modifications to this Governing Law provision must be in writing and signed by both parties.