Purchase & Contract - Governing Procurement for the State of North Carolina

Raleigh's skyline

P&C governs state procurement practices and NC eProcurement applications for state agencies, community colleges, universities and some local government entities, ensuring that the state acquires the goods and services it needs at fair costs which are effective uses of taxpayer dollars.


Click here to access NC eProcurement resources!

P&C's eProcurement program provides an innovative, cost-saving and efficient method of purchasing to state agencies, community colleges, school systems, and local governments through innovative technology. NC eProcurement applications allow government entities to aggregate their purchasing data in order to obtain better prices from suppliers.

Helpful Resources

Statewide Term Contracts

Fuel Prices

Procurement Information Portal

Vendor Forms

Solicitations & Bid Opportunities

Procurement Regulations

Procurement Education

To provide relevant and practical knowledge related to public procurement and contract management, the Department of Administration's Division of Purchase & Contract offers a full range of training and professional development services under the North Carolina Procurement Academy (NCPA).

Services currently offered and those under development include North Carolina purchaser, contract manager & procurement officer certification programs, stand-alone courses, on-demand training, and training and professional development support.

Users must be able to access the Procurement Information Portal to view the NCPA's resources. To request access to the Procurement Information Portal, please submit a Procurement Information Portal Access Request

NC Procurement Academy